Chiseling away at the status quo


You whistle. We work.

“How come few people understand what we do? Why aren’t people reading our content?” Sound familiar? Writing an ad or post is different from an email, brochure, or book. It’s about storytelling.

Your ideas sprout like confetti, but if only you could aim where that tissue paper lands. That’s what we do—writing without hesitation, working away from silos, thinking outside any wooden box.

Your voice is unfiltered and authentic. Your writing demands the same. At Woodworks Communications, “knocking on wood” isn’t superstition—it begins a new chapter.


If you read it, see it, hear it, speak it, or search it, “it” begins with the written word. And if you need an audience to care about it, you need proven storytellers who understand your words.

Without a brand voice, you sound like Charlie Brown’s parents. Consider us the team who effectively communicate the pulse of your content without all unnecessary “Wa-Wa-Wa.”


Whether it’s across your community or our country, your message is intended for an audience. Those efforts need to be strategic with direction and intentional by design.

Campaigns can span any budget, use any tool, and reach any person, but they’re like that tree falling in the forest. There’s no sound if no one is there to hear the “thud.”

(Writers. Marketers. Communicators. Thud-masters. That’s what we do.)


In marketing, it’s called “ATL” (that’s not short for Atlanta; it’s “above the line”). In advertising and PR, it’s considered traditional media.

You know? The stuff that used to be all the rage—radio, TV, newspaper, magazines, and billboards. (Yes, those mass-marketing tools still work. Well, if you know what you’re doing.)


Since we’re on the subject, digital media is more than an electronic billboard, telemarketing, and email outreach. It’s audio and video, text and images, ideas and experience.

This is the power of the Internet in your hands with targeted and personalized high-quality content that communicates and converts.


Woodworks Communications is home to decades of award-winning media training, public speaking, writing, scripting, and podcasting that can be taught, learned, and used to reach your audiences.

Integrated or experiential marketing, sharing a message and shaping a community, we can teach your people how to do it all as an extension of your team, every step of the way.


Like with any space new to your GPS, navigating the marketing and communications landscape can get you lost with no results if you aren’t certain where you’re going, and how to get there.

Just because you work for a non-profit or start-up, municipal or faith-based organization, enterprise or entrepreneurial outlet, doesn’t mean shouldn’t have a team that knows the difference.


One area where Woodworks Communications makes a difference is by leaving our shop and coming to yours. We help you understand internal and external communications, analytics and outreach.

There is much work to do and not enough hands to do it. Don’t spend so much on overhead when you can invest in a partner who can do more than spell “authenticity.” They can create it.


Did you know SEO, creativity, and online best practices are as important to social networking as design, photography, video production, and a style guide?

Anyone can post a statement, image, or video on social media. The difference between “anyone” and that “someone” you follow is a dedicated strategy, a content calendar, and strong commitment.

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you.
If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.
— Zig Ziglar

Your purpose. our passion.

  • Three stained-glass windows inside a gothic cathedral


    Storytelling requires a strong foundation for connection. Words must be the bedrock of any vision, whether establishing brand pillars, developing core messages, identifying audiences, or converting results.

  • Wooden A-Frame church inside the main sanctuary


    Every brand needs communications and creative services. Without a story to connect them all, those brochures, websites, social media, and emails are just words. Each house has rooms that serve a purpose. Content is no different.

  • The outside of a Gothic cathedral with bright lights and stained glass windows


    Building a brand from the ground up or tending to a brand that has a long history can be a tedious process. It takes work. We don’t mind the sawdust. Think of it as our form of glitter on your message.